Alias: /a
List all available assets./asset/$ASSET/balanceGet the balance of an asset.
/asset/$ASSET/fee-balanceGet the fee balance of an asset.
/asset/$ASSET/subbalancesGet detailed balances of an asset.
/asset/$ASSET/transaction-detailsGet details required to prepare a transaction.
/asset/$ASSET/block Get data from a block.
/asset/$ASSET/confirmGet confirmation status.
/asset/$ASSET/confirmed Get confirmation count. No input returns needed confirmations in general for the ledger.
/asset/$ASSET/contract Get the contract unique identifier for a token asset.
/asset/$ASSET/details Retrieve detailed information of an asset.
/asset/$ASSET/factor Retrieve the factor. The number of decimal digits used for this asset.
/asset/$ASSET/features Retrieve available features for this asset.
/asset/$ASSET/fee Retrieve the average transaction fee for sending an asset.
/asset/$ASSET/fee-factor Retrieve the factor belonging to an asset's fee.
/asset/$ASSET/fee-symbol Retrieve the symbol in which the transaction fee is calculated.
/asset/$ASSET/keygen-base Retrieve the base symbol used to generated the private and public keys of an asset.
/asset/$ASSET/mode Retrieve the mode for proper initialization of deterministic code blobs on the client-side.
/asset/$ASSET/heightReturn the height of the asset ledger, denominated in its own measurable unit (e.g. blocks, parts or consensus decisions).
/asset/$ASSET/historyRetrieve the transaction history for an asset.
/asset/$ASSET/infoRetrieve info about the asset.
/asset/$ASSET/iconRetrieve the svg icon for this asset.
/asset/$ASSET/notesRetrieve any notes for this asset.
/asset/$ASSET/sample Retrieve a sample address and transaction id for test purposes.
/asset/$ASSET/reportRetrieve test results.
/asset/$ASSET/testRetrieve data used for testing.
/asset/$ASSET/test-hosts Tests the hosts used for this asset
/asset/$ASSET/test-cli Tests the asset methods.
/asset/$ASSET/transactionGet transaction information.
/asset/$ASSET/descriptionGet transaction description data.
/asset/$ASSET/messageGet transaction attachment data, and decode its message.
/asset/$ASSET/statusGet status hash of an address. When the hash changes, a transaction has gone in or out.
/asset/$ASSET/pushPush a signed transaction to a blockchain, DAG or other ledger system.
/asset/$ASSET/unified-symbols Retrieve the unified symbols that form a hybrid asset.
/asset/$ASSET/unspentRetrieve the unspents for an asset. Unspent is a bitcoin related term that in hybrixd is used for pre-transactional data. Bitcoin: 'unspent' means available inputs for creating a transaction. Ethereum: 'unspent' means the most recent nonce of the cryptocurrency account needed for constructing a transaction. NXT: 'unspent' means the server reply information needed to construct a deterministic transaction.