/codemirror.js is unknown.
Available options are:
- /a : List all available assets.
- /asset : List all available assets.
- /c : Execute a direct command to hybrixd.
- /command : Execute a direct command to hybrixd.
- /e : List available engines.
- /engine : List available engines.
- /h : Display help as html.
- /help : Display help as html.
- /l : Produce standard property lists of assets, sources or engines.
- /list : Produce standard property lists of assets, sources or engines.
- /m : Provides the api routing tree data
- /meta : Provides the api routing tree data
- /p : List all processes.
- /proc : List all processes.
- /r : Report utility UI
- /report : Report utility UI
- /s : List available sources.
- /source : List available sources.
- /v : Get version.
- /version : Get version.
- /w : Wchan can be used to retrieve parts of a file result.
- /wchan : Wchan can be used to retrieve parts of a file result.
- /x : Create an authenticated session channel for a encrypted communications.
- /xauth : Create an authenticated session channel for a encrypted communications.
- /y : Send an encrypted request through the session channel and recieve an encrypted response.
- /ychan : Send an encrypted request through the session channel and recieve an encrypted response.
- /z : Send an encrypted request through the session channel and recieve an encrypted and compressed response.
- /zchan : Send an encrypted request through the session channel and recieve an encrypted and compressed response.